r1:[1|SysEx Communication Error][Checksum error|for ^0.][Cancel]
a0:[1|Convert D-70 Tone to JV-80 Patch...][The Source Entry is using an Original Tone from|an external PCM-Card. Therefore, an exact conversion|is not possible. If you proceed, you'll have to|adjust the Wave Number afterwards.][Abort|Convert]
a1:[0|Convert D-70 Tone to JV-80 Patch...][The Destination Entry already exists. Now, you can:|- select any of the 4 Tones as destination |^1- initialize the whole Entry and use Tone 1.|How to proceed?][Abort| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |^0Initialize]
a2:Unused Tone|
a3:- use an unused Tone (= muted Tone) |
st:[1][Please select a tuning table for operation.|(Simply click on any parameter of it.)][OK]
ti: Note: %2s Deviation: %3d Cents (Table %c)
ni:%d Entries
ke:[1][This Card/Expansion provides no entry|of this type.][I see.]
ch:Checksum error|for %s.
nl: (n/a)
np:[3][You cannot select ^0 from this|^1 as it doesn't contain any.|Select a different ^1.][Cancel]
b0:[3][Performance ^0 cannot be requested because the|Control Channel in the System Setup is set to 'OFF'. |To request the desired Performance, set it|to a value between 1 and 16|in the Synth Setup Editor.][Abort|Open Editor…]
b1:[3][Rhythm Set ^0 cannot be requested because the|Control Channel used for changing Performances|is set to '10', thus covering up the Receive Channel|for the Rhythm Part (which is also '10').|To request the desired Rhythm Set,|set the Control Channel to a value other|than '10' in the Synth Setup Editor.][Abort|Open Editor…]
kr:[1][For this parameter change to have any effect,|you have to turn on ^0|in the ^1 first!][No further warnings|OK]
ue: ---
uc: ---
bw:[1|••••• WARNING! Please read! •••••][ |This is a Beta-Release of the upcoming JV module.|This means:|• Data in your device might get corrupted|• Library Entries created now might not load in future releases| |Bugreports & suggestions to: SoundDiver Box, user 'Christian Roth'|or Internet: rothc@informatik.tu-muenchen.de][Abort Testing|Go on Testing]